The Power of Balance in Personal Growth
I have been thinking and talking a lot lately, both in my coaching practice and with anyone willing to listen (haha, you know who you are!), about the importance of adopting and nurturing a growth mindset—stretching beyond our comfort zones and focusing on personal development. But as I reflect on it more, I realise it feels a bit hypocritical to only focus on pushing those limits and striving to reach that 'better version' of ourselves. Having gone through burnout myself and still navigating its aftermath, I know now that growth isn’t just about pushing yourself to the max. It is also about knowing when to take a step back, rest, gain perspective and recharge.
Honestly, I think this is the key difference between people who burn out and those who achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations.
The idea of taking a step back is something I’m still learning to navigate. Growing up in Romania, I was raised with the mindset that success in life (which meant overcoming mediocrity) was only possible through constant hard work—pushing through no matter the cost, even if it meant sacrificing personal well-being. That’s how I operated for a long time, until life forced me to change my perspective.
Now, I see the value and necessity in pausing, reflecting, resting and recharging. I’ve learned that stepping outside my comfort zone is just as valid as staying within it when I need to.
When I think about my own life, one of the things that has always given me comfort during stressful times, or when I feel stretched too thin, is talking to my friends. That works magic for me. I feel listened to, validated, and accepted. My friends give me the perspective I sometimes lose, and suddenly my issues don’t feel that overwhelming anymore. It's a reminder that I'm not alone, and that reassurance allows me to refuel.
As much as I encourage others to step out of their comfort zones, I also remind myself that there is a equilibrium to this process. Like a rubber band, you can stretch yourself to new heights, but if you don’t allow yourself time to return to base, to relax and restore, you risk snapping. That’s when burnout happens. Growth and comfort go hand in hand. It's just as important to nurture yourself as it is to challenge yourself.
I’ve come to understand that true growth happens in the in-between spaces, during moments of rest. Did you know that you actually lock in new habits and skills when you rest? When you're sleeping, resting or simply allowing yourself to be comfortable, your brain consolidates the lessons you’ve learned, making sure they stick.
For me, these moments of comfort are just as critical as the pushing and stretching I do each day. I’ve realised that the ritual of drinking my spicy chai while reading a book every night after my girls are in bed—after the house is quiet and the day’s chores are done—gives me a sense of calm and it grounds me. It’s my moment of solitude, a time to refuel after a day of challenging myself. This daily practice gives me the energy and clarity I need to start again the next day, stronger and more focused.
Growth is a journey, and part of that journey is learning to find your base, the space where you can breathe, reflect, and recharge. So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to ask yourself: What brings you comfort? Maybe it’s a person you talk to, a place that brings you peace, a meal that nourishes you or a piece of music that lifts your spirit.
So my invitation to you is to reflect on what is it that brings you comfort and refuels you? What gives you that moment or space to breathe and recharge so that you can start all over again?
Take the time to find that balance between stretching yourself and returning to base. It’s in this balance that real growth happens.